♥︎ Cacao School

Cacao Lover · Online Experience
♥︎ Cacao School · 12. November 2022
Cacao Lover is an online experience and a sacred space for self-study. In five modules we will be guiding you into the consciousness of Cacao. Each modules opens a different avenue with a guided Ritual Dream Time Meditation at its core to connect, (re)align, and feel the unique vibration and magic of our beloved and ancient teacher plant Cacao. The Cacao Lover experience will be available to you for an entire year.
Cacao Ceremony Training · self study
♥︎ Cacao School · 12. December 2021
Enter the consciousness of the Cacao Spirit and learn the Art of Sacred Cacao in Cacao Mama's Ceremony Training composed of 5 individual modules for self-study.

Cacao Mama Foundations Kurs
♥︎ Cacao School · 01. September 2021
Cacao Mama Foundations ist ein aufgezeichneter Einführungs-Kurs, der dich in die Kunst des Heiligen Kakaos einführt.
Cacao Mama Foundations
♥︎ Cacao School · 08. August 2021
Cacao Mama Foundations is a pre-recorded introductory mini-course leading you into the Art of Sacred Cacao.

On heavy energies
♥︎ Cacao School · 01. March 2021
With being present and conscious with Pachamama, we don't give heavy energies to her any longer. We give it neither in meditations, yoga classes nor in any other practice. It's not that Pachamama cannot handle it. She can, as she is the master of presence, the master of ceremony.
♥︎ Cacao School · 23. March 2020
Recommendations and medicine for the mind, the body, the heart and the soul to navigate transitions.

♥︎ Cacao School · 07. January 2020
Cacao is a powerful plant Spirit and unique in her alchemy. She works through feeling, the heart, and intuition, in a different way with each person. We share some helpful information when you wish to enter the spiritual realm of Cacao in a ritual and explain keys that open the medicine.
♥︎ Cacao School · 07. January 2020
Cacao is the most complex food on Earth. In cacao 300 to 600 chemically individual components are found. Like all superfoods, Cacao blurs the line between food and medicine. Some key nutrients of Cacao explained

♥︎ Cacao School · 06. January 2018
An insight into the characteristics and the spiritual & energetic properties of Cacao from Ecuador, Peru & Bolivia. What is the difference between the specific cacao varieties and which cacao is suitable for which kind of work? The following overview gives an insight into the energetic and spiritual dimension of cacao varieties from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
Cacao Mama, Cacao Meditation, Raw Cacao, Cacao Ceremony, recipe, Berlin
♥︎ Cacao School · 16. December 2014
This is the basic CACAO MAMA's raw cacao chocolate recipe. Enjoy the original recipe or try experimenting with different variations to create your very own raw cacao masterpiece. I love the raw cacao chocolate drink to be creamy and silky to touch all senses. The ORIGINAL is sugar-free, dairy free and slightly bitter. The raw cacao chocolate is detoxing and heart-opening. What you'll need for a sensual raw cacao chocolate drink is CACAO MAMA's Raw Organic Cacao paste/liquor, warm water and a...


Serap Kara for CACAO MAMA • © 2014 - 2024 • made with stellar earth ❤ in Berlin • privacy policy