Support Huaca Montegrande, the Ancient Cacao Temple in Perú

Peru’s oldest temple, and the origin of cacao, are in crisis and need the support of the cacao community - In Montegrande, the oldest known traces of beverages made from Theobroma cacao  have been discovered inside the temple with cacao remnants that carbon date back 6,000 years, making it the oldest known origin of cacao on the planet today, older than the pyramids of Egypt and Mesopotamia, they're holding a key to understanding human’s earliest spiritual connection to cacao. Continue reading

Offerings, Trainings & Courses 2024 / 2025


Click on the picture or the button to enter each course.

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Deepening Study

The Cacao Elder Spirits

Meet the Cacao Elders: the Alchemist, the Weaver, the Visionary and the Cacao Mother for Deepening & Expansion.


A Samhain Course in 5 Modules

November 07 - December 05, 2024

 In English with Serap Kara



Ongoing Course

Cacao Mama

Medicine Woman

Dream weaving space, online initiation & energetic activation for experienced practitioners | The portal of Imbolc


Meet the Spiritkeeper & Midwife

January 29 - February 28, 2025

In English with Serap Kara



Coming Soon

Cacao Medicine Circle

Ambas Dham, Italien

Die Kunst des Kakao, zeremonielle Praxis und erdverbundene Rituale für Rück-verbindung & Regeneration


30. Mai - 6. Juni 2025 | 7 Nächte

Tempel Gästehaus im Piemont, Italien

Mit Serap Kara |  In deutscher Sprache


Infos folgen in Kürze


The Art of Cacao

Educational Courses for Self-Study

Cacao Mama 



The Art of Sacred Cacao - Mini-course for a solid entry including basic principles and templates to working with ceremonial Cacao. In English · 135€

Cacao Mama 



Die Kunst des heiligen Kakaos - Mini-Kurs für einen guten Einstieg mit Grund- und Vorlagen für die Arbeit mit zeremoniellem Kakao. Auf Deutsch · 135€ 

Cacao Mama 

Ceremony Training


Our signature course: Complete "The Art of Cacao" in ceremony training  composed of five modules plus bonus material for self study. In English · 405€

Cacao Lover

Connect with Spirit


Online course composed of five avenues including 18 video lectures and five guided ritual dream time meditations to connect with the Spirit of Cacao. In English · 108€ 

Cacao Mama's Course Overview

Artwork © Alexis Aronson for Cacao Mama


Not sure which course is the right one for you?

Cacao Mama's course overview



Serap Kara for CACAO MAMA • © 2014 - 2024 • made with stellar earth ❤ in Berlin • privacy policy