Cacao Mama is for you!


Cacao Mama is born from love for the pure loving Spirit of Cacao. As an awareness driven enterprise, we're weaving modern and ancient knowledge to serve the healing of Cacao by offering heart-centred, multidimensional experiences. Cacao carries the blueprint of the Sacred Origins. At Cacao Mama we collect the messages found in the Spirit of Nature, thrive to cultivate wisdom and offer our power and voice to speak up for the preciousness of life. The Cacao School is a school of vision to empower and awaken the wisdom keepers, earth speakers, cacao guardians and gardeners to anchor a new consciousness.

In Ceremony. In Circle. In Service.

Artwork © Alexis Aronson for Cacao Mama

Cacao Gardener · Invest in Regeneration

The Cacao School

We love Cacao ♥︎ Arriba Nacional from Ecuador · For Ceremonial Use

We love Cacao ♥︎ Wild grown & harvested Cacao from Bolivia · For Ceremonial Use

We love Cacao ♥︎ Raw Cacao from Bali · For Ceremonial Use

We love Cacao ♥︎ Raw organic Cacao from Peru · For Ceremonial Use

Golden Cacao Manifesto

© Grit Siwonia for Cacao Mama
© Grit Siwonia for Cacao Mama

Welcome to the sacred Cacao Mama Space. My name is Serap Kara, and I’m the founder and guardian of Cacao Mama. I'm a medicine woman, moon dancer, teacher and midwife for a new consciousness to be anchored in this now. In service to the Cacao Collective for 13 years, I'm weaving the Cacao medicine with love, respect and integrity. My medicine heart beats in rhythm with Pachamama and the heart of the forest. I love to create finely tuned spaces that enable us to root into trust and receive permission from ancestral and spiritual realms, so that we may remember our natural state of Spirit connection and the way of ceremony to be in service to a greater harmony.


Serap Kara for CACAO MAMA • © 2014 - 2024 • made with stellar earth ❤ in Berlin • privacy policy