Arriba Nacional from Ecuador

Arriba Nacional is one of the world‘s finest cacao varieties. All farmers involved in the collection of the cacao beans receive fair wages. Ecuador is home to one of the finest cacao varieties: the Arriba Nacional cacao. These cacao beans are being grown on the coastal plains of the Ecuadorian provinces of Los Ríos, Manabí, Esmeraldas and Pinchincha. All cacao trees grow in food forests together with other hard woods and fruit trees.


This Cacao from Ecuador comes from a new source. Our local partner (Conexión Chocolate) works closely with smallholder farmers all around the country and puts great emphasis on fair trade standards, ecological farming practices and the protection of the Ecuadorian flora and fauna.


Conexión supports the heirloom cacao preservation project which is dedicated to DNA research and the preservation of rare cacao varieties worldwide. By keeping the entire value chain, from harvest to packaging of the final product in the country, they have helped improve the life of Ecuadorian cacao farmers significantly while teaching them about ecological farming methods, fermentation, production processes and the importance of protecting the unique Arriba Nacional. 


Arriba Nacional 100% · Ecuador · Drops 1kg

Arriba Nacional gehört zu den feinsten Kakaosorten der Erde und wird als Edelkakao angesehen. Arriba Nacional ist bekannt für seinen außergewöhnlich vollmundigen Geschmack und hält in seiner cremigen Textur fruchtige und florale Aromen bereit. 


Details: Bio & Rohkost Qualität (EC-BIO-140) ⊹ Nicht geröstet - kalt verarbeitet ⊹ frei von Gentechnik ⊹ Vollmundiger Geschmack, tiefer Charakter, sehr schokoladig ⊹ Vegan & glutenfrei  ⊹ Reich an Magnesium und Eisen ⊹ Dieses Produkt wird in einem 500g Block geliefert. 


Empfohlene Verwendung: Zur Zubereitung von Kakao-Shakes, Trinkschokoladen, roher Schokolade, zum Backen und für Smoothies. ⊹ Für den zeremoniellen Gebrauch geeignet. 


Zutaten: Kalt verarbeitete Kakaomasse ⊹ Herkunftsland: Ecuador





Arriba Nacional is one of the finest cacao varieties and is considered as a premium cacao bean. Arriba Nacional is known for its exceptionally full-bodied flavor and fruity and floral aromas captured in a creamy texture.


Details: Organic & Raw Food Quality (EC-BIO-140) ⊹ Not roasted - cold processed ⊹ GM-free ⊹ Full-bodied taste, deep character, very chocolaty ⊹ Vegan & gluten-free ⊹ Rich in magnesium and iron ⊹ This product is delivered in a 500g block.


Recommended Use: Great for refreshing cacao shakes, drinking chocolates, baking and smoothies. ⊹ This cacao paste is suitable for ceremonial purposes. 


Ingredients: Cold processed cacao paste ⊹ Country of origin: Ecuador



Arriba Nacional cacao paste 100% · Ecuador · Drops 1kg

60,00 €

  • 1 kg
  • available
  • Shipped within 2-3 days

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